Consumer Justice

Legal Information for Consumers Regarding Injury Law


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Personal Injury Law

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Dangerous or defective products are the main cause of millions of injuries in the United States.

A law is in effect known as the Product Liability Law which addresses the individual or party that is responsible of the defective/dangerous product is a law that is quite different from the ordinary law,

The set rule makes it easy for an injured individual to recover damages.

What is Product Liability?

It refers to a seller or manufacturer that has been held liable of introducing a defective product into the hands of a consumer.

Sellers as well as the individuals that are in the chain of distribution are responsible of a defective product that has led to injury

Generally, the law calls that a product should meet consumer expectations.

In an instance that a product is dangerous or defective, it cannot be said to have met the consumer’s ordinary expectations.

This type of law is not under federal as there is no federal product liability law in existence

Moreover, product liability claims are based on state laws are usually brought the following theories...

Additionally, a set of statutes (commercial) in every state are have been modeled in the uniform commercial code carrying warranty rules that will affect the liability of the product

Under the injury law, for strict liability to happen, the product sale needs to be made in the supplier’s business regular course

This means that if you bought a product from a garage sale, the seller is not liable in case you are injured and want compensation © 2024